Sunday, January 07, 2007


Six months later . . .

And here I am six months later . . . I am still at my old job . . . Guard Cat No. 1 at China's online store. Been busiest at pre-Christmas sale. Whew . . . I could hardlly take a nap with all those people looking for quality buys. Shopkeeper China, was bouncing up and down and all over the place, fulfilling orders.

A cat like me would think I would get a raise in meow food and less punishments (i.e going to the cat doc). Afterall, I was working like a dog! Nope . . . I still get the same amount of food, I think. And worse, China T. brought home a feisty little brat of a cat from work last summer - a black, domestic kitty who people have been calling Cola. And yes, she is all over the place.

That's what I get for working long hours ---- I get more competition now during mealtime. And my, Cola has some identitiy crisis. And people think she's cute because of that? Hmmp. Why, she can fetch like a dog! And she can do it a hundred times without stopping to rest! What a humbug!

China assures me everynight that I am her only pet. Should I believe her? Only last night, I saw Cola sleeping on the couch for hours with China as she watched tv. Well, when I saw that, I snuggled beside China right away, knowing she really prefers me anyway over that little brat of a cat. Cola didn't move away, though. She did not mind sharing China with me. Well, just as long as I stay closest to China's face, I will not mind Cola being with us either.

Why do sell fashion clothes for dogs and not for cats? Hmpp. China should look into that. I just love those fancy stuff for dogs that China has on display. She tells me that there are fancy stuff for cats too. Well, I am waiting to have a new pet collar . . . Hello? China, can your hear me?

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